Leaky Ducts Lead To Decreased System Performance.
Get The Efficiency You Paid For.
Poor system performance leads to higher energy bills.
Sealing your ducts is the best way to achieve maximum efficiency from your equipment.
Sealing and insulating your ducts increases system efficiency, lowers your energy bills, and can often pay for itself in energy savings. Plus, if you’re planning to install new heating and cooling equipment, a well-designed and sealed duct system may allow you to downsize to a smaller, less costly heating and cooling system that will provide better dehumidification.

Source: Comfort Institute. Based on Department of Energy Research and FL Energy Office Research Report: FSEC-CR-397-91 Degradation above is typical. Impact is up to 50% greater on AC performance if return air leakage is from a hot attic or attached garage. Impact is typically 50% to 100% greater on winter heating performance of a heat pump with electric resistance auxiliary heat.
Save Up To 40% On Energy
This is a huge deal! A benefit you can truly see and feel in your wallet. You can realize an annual savings of up to $850 (est.) per year on your heating and cooling bills. The less efficient your current system, the more you can save with Sweep & Aeroseal.
Increase System Efficiency
Sealing your ducts allows the maximum amount of air to be delivered to the rooms throughout your home as it should. This allows the home to reach your desired temperature much faster, making it much more efficient.
Improve System Performance
Aerosealing your ducts will help get the most out of your system which equals more air from your vents providing greater home comfort and a longer system life. Achieving target temperatures in your home quicker, equals less over system run-time.

25-40% Energy Loss
“Typical duct systems lose 25-40 percent of the heating and cooling energy put out by the central furnace, heat pump or air conditioner. Duct repairs could be the most important energy improvement measure you can do.”
U.S. Department of Energy Consumer Report
“For an average home, leaky ducts can waste hundreds of dollars each year. Duct leakage also lowers the heating and cooling capacity, and can lessen equipment life.”
Southface Energy Institute
Buying new high efficiency heating and cooling equipment, and then hooking it up to the typical inefficient duct system, is like buying a super-fuel efficient hybrid car and then driving it with a leak in the gas tank.
Click on the link below to learn more from the Comfort Institute Report Titled: “Do Not Ignore Your Ducts”.